About Us

At Brutal Studio we have over 10 years of experience developing games for all ages. Whether it's funny games, action games, shooter games, or casual games, we always strive to bring a touch of originality. From day one Brutal Studio has had 0 funding, 0 debt and has succeeded in remaining 100% independant, in a constant evolving industry.

Here are the core players that make it all happen:

Mario Boutin

The one who draws the most.

Mario is the principal artist of the studio and our official voice! Not only because he's got epic voice acting skills but also because he's the one you want to get in touch with.

With no proven loss, he is our official arm-wrestling champion. Think you got what it takes to take him on?!

Carl Spooner

The guy who codes the most.

Carl is clearly the brain of the team. You may not see through your soul but he can get through any coding language you throw at him. When things get tricky who you gonna call? That's right! Carlito el programador!

Chriss Martin

The one who codes and draws.

As the director of almost every project, Chriss is a real never ending well of bad ass ideas. He will get his hands on every part of the creation to melt, mold and craft stuff that will blow your mind. I mean ... this guy made his first full adventure game on a TI-83 calculator 15 years ago. Who the hell does that?!

Yan Lepage

The one who draws & knows all.

This guy is a living encyclopedia. With him, no question stay unanswered. With many years as an illustrator behind his beard he clearly looks like a wise! ... or maybe more like a king? Well you decide! Often takes part of level design, he clearly knows how to make things interesting!


Thanks !

Someone will get back at you as soon as we can.

For more information or having and idea on a game submission, please use the contact form. We'll get back at you as soon as we can.

Brutal Studio

Sherbrooke, QC (Canada) J1R 1A0
(819) 481-2303

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